Recent publications

“Rejoinder: Measuring Inflation under Lockdown Conditions,” Journal of Official Statistics 38, 663-668, 2022, with W.E. Diewert.


“Measuring Inflation under Lockdown Conditions,” Journal of Official Statistics 38, 255-285, 2022, with W.E. Diewert. 2022-0012. Published with comments from three discussants.


“Measuring Real Consumption and CPI Bias under Lockdown Conditions,” Canadian Journal of Economics 55(S1), 480-502, 2022, with W.E. Diewert.


“Experimental Economics and the New Commodities Problem,” with W.E. Diewert and P. Schreyer, Review of Income and Wealth.


“Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction Using Scanner Data,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 40, 355–369, 2022, with W.E. Diewert.


 “Measuring the Impact of Free Goods on Real Household Consumption,” AEA Papers & Pro-ceedings, 110, 2020, with E. Brynjolfsson, A. Collis, W.E. Diewert, and F. Eggers.


Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity,” Journal of Financial Stability, 84-89, 2019, with W.E. Diewert.


"Addendum to Output Growth and Inflation Across Space and Time," EURONA { Eurostat Review on National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators, Issue No 2/2018, 71-80, with Diewert, WE.


Fox KJ, 2018, 'What Do We Know About the Productivity Slowdown? Evidence from Australian Industry Data', International Productivity Monitor Number 35, Fall, 2018.


A Decomposition of U.S. Business Sector TFP Growth into Technical Progress and Cost Efficiency Components," Journal of Productivity Analysis 50, 71-84, 2018, with W.E. Diewert.


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ, 2018, ‘Decomposing Value Added Growth into Explanatory Factors’ in E. Grifell-Tatjé, C.A.K. Lovell and R. Sickles (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis, Oxford University Press.


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ, 2018, ‘Alternative User Costs, Productivity and Inequality in US Business Sectors’ in W.H. Greene, L.A. Khalaf, P. Makdissi, R. Sickles, and M-C. Voia (eds.), Productivity and Inequality, Springer, 21–69.


Fox KJ; Lee LYT, 2017, ‘Efficiency Analysis in Uncertain Operating Environments: The Problem with Outliers’ in T. Ancev, M.A.S. Azad and F. Hernandez (eds.), New Directions in Productivity Measurement and Efficiency Analysis: Counting the Environment and Natural Resources, Edward Elgar, Chapter 4, 80–97.


Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'Decomposing productivity indexes into explanatory factors' European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 256, pp. 275 - 291.


Fox KJ, 2017, 'Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue of the Review of Income and Wealth on “Productivity Measurement, Drivers and Trends” Iariw-Unsw Special Conference, Sydney, 26–27 November 2013' Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 63, pp. S1 - S6.


Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'Output Growth and Inflation across Space and Time' Eurostat Review on National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators, pp. 7 - 40.


Fox KJ, 2018, 'The ET Interview: Professor W. Erwin Diewert’ Econometric Theory 34, pp. 509-542.


Elnasri A; Fox KJ, 2017, 'The contribution of research and innovation to productivity' Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 47, pp. 291 - 308.


Diewert WE; Fox KJ; Shimizu C, 2016, 'Commercial Property Price Indexes and the System of National Accounts' Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 30, pp. 913 - 943.


Fox KJ; Syed IA, 2016, 'Price discounts and the measurement of inflation' Journal of Econometrics, vol. 191, pp. 398 - 406.


Diewert WE; Fox KJ; de Haan J, 2016, 'A newly identified source of potential CPI bias: Weekly versus monthly unit value price indexes' Economics Letters, vol. 141, pp. 169 - 172.


Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'Sunk costs and the measurement of commercial property depreciation' Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 49, pp. 1340 - 1366.

Full publication list

Recent working papers

E. Brynjolf-sson, A. Collis, W.E. Diewert, F. Eggers and K.J. Fox, “GDP-B: Accounting for the Value of New and Free Goods in the Digital Economy,”  NBER Working Paper 25695, Cambridge, MA. Selected for AEA Papers & Proceedings, 2020.


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ, “Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction Using Scanner Data,” UNSW Business School Research Paper No. 2018-13. Available at SSRN: https: //


Diewert, WE, Fox KJ, Schreyer P, “Experimental Economics and the New Goods Problem”, Discussion Paper 19-03, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia. Presented at the Economics Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) Conference, 8-10 May, King’s College Lon-don.


Diewert, WE, Fox KJ, Schreyer P, 2018, "The Digital Economy, New Products and Consumer Welfare", ESCoE Discussion Paper 2018-16.


C. Corrado, K.J. Fox, P. Goodridge, J. Haskel, C. Jona-Lasinio, D. Sichel and S. Westlake, “Improving GDP: Demolishing, Repointing or Extending?”, joint winning entry, Indigo Prize 2017, with .


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ; Schreyer P, 2017, ‘The Digital Economy, New Products and Consumer Welfare’, UBC Discussion Paper 2017-09.


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'The Difference Approach to Productivity Measurement and Exact Indicators’ , UBC Discussion Paper 2017-08.


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ; Schreyer P, 2017, ‘The Allocation and Valuation of Time’ , UBC Discussion Paper 2017-04.


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ, 2017, ‘Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction using Scanner Data’ , UBC Discussion Paper 2017-02.


Diewert, WE; Fox KJ, 'The User Cost of Non-renewable Resources and Green Accounting', UBC Discussion Paper 16-01, presented at the NBER Summer Institute 18 July 2016, the Society for Economic Measurement Conference, OECD 22-24 July 2015, and the Workshop on Environmentally Adjusted Productivity and Efficiency, University of Sydney, 22 February 2016.


Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare' in The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare, Economic Measurement Group Workshop, Sydney, presented at Economic Measurement Group Workshop, Sydney, 2 December 2016.


Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2015, 'Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity' in Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity, IARIW-OECD Conference W(h)ither the SNA?, Paris, presented at IARIW-OECD Conference W(h)ither the SNA?, Paris, 16 - 17 April 2015.