3. "The Rising Incumbent Advantage: What’s Gerrymandering Got to Do With It?" (with John Friedman), Journal of Politics 71(2), April 2009, 593-611. (web appendix)
7. "The Nature of Tournaments" (with Robert Akerlof), Economic Theory 51(2), 2012, 489-513.
10. "Subgame Perfect Implementation under Information Perturbations" (with Philippe Aghion, Drew Fudenberg, Takashi Kunimoto and Olivier Tercieux), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(4), 2012, 1843-1881. Online appendix here.
12. "Optimal Primaries" (with Patrick Hummel), Journal of Public Economics, 109, 2014, 64-75.
15. "Incomplete Contracts and Mechanism Design" in P. Aghion, M. Dewatripont, P. Legros and L. Zingales (eds.), The Impact of Incomplete Contracts in Economics, Oxford University Press, 2016, 358-362.
16. "Gerrymandering" in Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
19. "Movers and Shakers" (with Robert Akerlof), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (4), 2016, 1849-1874. [online appendix]
21. "A Nobel Prize for Property-Rights Theory," Games, 8(4), 2017.
22. "The Role of Bounded Rationality and Imperfect Information in Subgame Perfect Implementation--An Empirical Investigation" (with Philippe Aghion, Ernst Fehr and Tom Wilkening), Journal of the European Economic Association, 16(1), 2018, 232–274.
23. "When to Drop a Bombshell" (with Gabriele Gratton and Anton Kolotilin). Review of Economic Studies, 85(4), 2018., 2139-2172. [Online Appendix A], [Online Appendix B]
26. "Capital Assemblly" (with Robert Akerlof), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 35(3), 2019, 489-512. (previously titled "Network Capital", CEPR discussion paper 11763, January 2017).
27. "Registration Costs and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Natural Experiment" (with Rachana Bhatt and Evgenia Dechter), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 196, 2020, 91-104.
28. "Optimal Gerrymandering in a Competitive Environment" (with John Friedman), Economic Theory Bulletin, 8(2), 2020, 347-367.
29. "Should we Worry about Government Debt? Thoughts on Australia's COVID-19 Response" (with Chris Edmond and Bruce Preston), Australian Economic Review, 53(4), 2020, 557-565.
30. "Incentives to Discover Talent" (with Tobias Brunner, Guido Friebel and Suraj Prasad), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, forthcoming.
31. "Political Capital" (with Gabriele Gratton and Barton Lee), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, forthcoming.
32. "Peer Effects on the United States Supreme Court" (with Michael Keane and Matthew Lilley), Quantitative Economics 12, 2021, 981-1019. [Supplementary material]
33. "Organizations with Power-Hungry Agents", (with Wouter Dessein), Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming.
34. "Comparative Constitutional Studies: From Matching and the Most Similar Cases Principle to Synthetic Control?" (with Rosalind Dixon), University of Chicago Law Review (online), April 2021.
35. "The Law and Economics of Blockchain", (with Anup Malani), Annual Review of Law and Social Science, to appear.
36. "Can Blockchain Solve the Hold-Up Problem in Contracts?" (with Anup Malani), Cambridge Elements: Law, Economics, and Politics, forthcoming.
Working Papers
"The Stochastic Reproduction Rate of a Virus" (with D.J.Thornton)
"The ICO Paradox" (with Anup Malani)
"Network Externalities and Market Dominance" (with Robert Akerlof and Luis Rayo)
"Asset Ownership and the Hold-Up Problem" (with Johannes Hoelzemann).
"Fun in Education" (with Isabella Dobrescu, Alberto Motta and Chun Yee Wong).
"Arbitration in Anarchy" (with John Ferejohn and Tom Ginsburg).
"Supermajority Voting Rules".
"Strategic Ambiguity, Campaign Contributions and Candidate Location" (with Alberto Alesina).
"Comparative Statics in Principal-Agent Problems"
"Managerial Contracts at Regulated Firms" (with Christine Jolls).
Richard Holden